Soul Linux.

Your Nextgen Linux

Soul Linux is a linux distribution developed by a group of enthusiasts, who love to use opensource goods coming from linux. Our distro aims to a normal people that are working with a computer, who are afraid of their private data and also people that want to have a free operating system. Soul Linux is very stable and provides a vide variety of opensource software to choose from our built-in software manager.


Our built-in software manager provides a vide variety of opensource software for everyday use. You can find there everything you need to work effectively with our operating system. All of the packages in our manager are stable, and bug-free, so you do not need to worry about breaking your system.


We do not collect personal information about users and their way of using a computer. There also is a marginal chance of getting a virus on linux, mainly beacuse of the fact that the only way you're getting your software is our manager. The programs there are heavily checked for viruses therefore you can be sure there is not any.


Soul Linux is very simple and accessible. Everyone with basic computer knowledge is able to use our os, do to their tasks such as editing photos, browsing the internet and so on. It's ready to work just after installing. That's why we recommend Soul Linux for all of you who loves an easy and pleasant computer experience.

Download Soul Linux and try it out !

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